318 Jackson Street, Olin, Iowa 52320
319.484.2200 olintel@olintel.net

Telephone Services

Phone ServicePrice per month
Single Party Residence Service$22.50
Single Party Business Service$22.50
Federal Subscriber Line Charge - Single Line Residential$6.50
Federal Subscriber Line Charge - Single Line Business$9.20
Touch Tone Service$1.00
Toll BlockingFree
Emergency 911 ServicesSurcharges for 911 services are determined according to government assessments


Low-income individuals eligible for Lifeline telephone assistance programs may be eligible for discounts from these basic local service charges through state specified telephone assistance plans.

Basic services are offered to all consumers in the Olin-Morley Telephone Company service territories at the rates, terms, and conditions specified in the Company’s tariffs. If you have any questions regarding the Company’s services, please call us at (319) 484-2200, fax us at (319) 484-2800, e-mail us at olintel@olintel.net, or visit our offices at 318 Jackson St. Olin, Iowa for further information regarding our services.

Olin Telephone Company’s advanced fiber-based services require backup battery power to continue functioning during a power outage. To avoid a disruption of voice (telephone) service during an outage – and to maintain the ability to call 911 emergency services a backup battery would need to be installed.

What the Battery Can – and Can’t – Do for You:
Backup batteries allow you to continue to use your voice services up to 8 or 24 hours during a power outage. Without a backup battery or alternate backup source such as a generator, customers will not be able to make any calls, including emergency calls to 911 during a power outage. The only way to maintain the ability to use your phone during a power outage is by the use of a battery and a regular telephone or POTS phone. Home security systems, medical monitoring devices, electronic phones and other equipment will not run on the backup battery.

Purchase and Replacement Options:
A backup battery will last up to 8 hours during a power outage The backup battery or power supply can be purchased at any on-line retailer. If you are concerned about being able to contact 911 emergency services during a power outage that lasts longer than 8 hours, a large capacity, 24-Hour backup battery may be a good option for you.

A second option for increasing runtime during an outage would be installing a UPS system. These systems are available online and in many retail office supply stores. The number of runtime hours provided would be dependent on the capacity of UPS system purchased. Instructions for installing a UPS may be obtained by calling our office.

Any further questions or concerns please contact our office at (319) 484-2200.