WatchTVEverywhere streams some of your favorite channels and programming to your tablet, your smartphones, your laptop and other devices from anywhere you can receive an Internet signal: inside your house, at the office, hotel, airport, vacation home and everywhere.
Registration Instructions
1. Go to
2. Select Olin Telephone Company as your TV provider in the drop down.
3. Click “Register” to set up your free account.
4. Enter your account number (from your monthly statement) and the last name and first initial of the account holder (space between last name and first initial). Example: XXX or XXX (last three or four digits of your account number) Last name first initial
5. Enter the verification code given in the box.
6. Complete the form and click “Register.”
7. Check your email for the validation email from WatchTVEverywhere and click on the validation link provided. You may register 3 more users with their own passwords once you log in under “Manage account.”
8. Congratulations! You may now log in and see what networks are available for your computer, tablet, and smartphone.